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The deiterLine App is

like a compass always pointing towards your

North Star.

For the 2.5% of the world

Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives

deiterLine, is New App and Paradigm to help
you  succeed in a resistant world. 84% of the
world resists Innovators, Visionaries and  Creatives.
For the price of a just a few coffees a  month, 
deiterLine's calm,  powerful clarity just may be
your superpower. Breathe & Press On

Calm, powerful clarity to help you succeed in a resistant world.

deiterLIne logo
Girl reading a book
the deiterLine logo/icon


Cast off from the skeptics.

For 2.5% of The World

Clarity Is Power.

Being true to yourself is all 

the motivation, you'll ever need.

"I dream for a living."

Steven Spielberg

"We are all living in cages with

the door wide open."

George Lucas

The free deiterLine  platform is here to
help you bring who you truly are into focus.
The deiterLine subscription app is there to
help you sharpen your focus into actions.

Your new tool of a lifetime.


foundational to successful human endeavor

2.5% Video
Think. Innovate. Be yourself.

Never quit on yourself, your

dreams, or your aspirations.

"Those who are clear on their "Why' are the

ones who have never given up and succeeded."

Simon Sinek




You're probably not lacking motivation,

but clarity of purpose.

Suc. Mark Twain

Clarity and focus mitigates chaos and doubt, and creates the time you say you never have to succeed.

Image of an open seed pod
deiterLine app home image
deiterLine app Jump Screen
deiterLine app Help Screen
deiterLine download screen
deiterLine price screen
Clariy of Purpose
deiterline App Home screen

If you ever feel like giving up...

just breathe & press on. Clarity is your power.

At any moment of stress, confusion or doubt you can

visit, or polish your Callings. Nietzsche called this

your central organizing idea ( helps master the chaos

we can become ).

Cut through the daily noise motivated and empowered

with calm, powerful clarity of purpose, 'Your Why' made actionable. deiterLine replaces discipline and toughness

with lasting 'Why' and 'How' motivation — true to you.

'Why' and 'How' succeeds in a "What and When' world.

deiterLine is a disruptive paradigm shift from what and

when thinking, to why and how thinking. Why and how completes — succeeds.


What and when encumbers. Why and how empowers.

deiterLine App Jump screen

Calm, powerful clarity of purpose is your superpower, especially at 3:00 in the morning.

Clarity gives you time. Focus masters chaos.

Have calm of clarity any time, anywhere.


Calm and clarity give us presence of mind. Presence of mind returns the time we say we never have to succeed.

Simplicity masters chaos so you can become who you truly are.

Callings collect you. Initiatives advance you. The Clock is where old Callings and Initiatives mellow. Clean your clock with the Broom and move on — progress, better than perfection.


Seed Pod

"The privilege of a lifetime is to
become who you truly are."

Carl Jung


Follow your stars for sustained motivation
and success. Ready to move on, clean your Clock.

Within the deiterLine App, Callings collect you.
'Your Why' or 'Whys' are Callings represented
by Stars. You'll follow your stars. I
"Your How,"are represented by checks. Your
advance your Callings. The Clock
mellows you.
The Broom cleans your clock. The

deiterLine marks  your progress, better than perfection.


Follow Stars


deiterLine App Calling's Star

Follow Your Stars

'Your Whysare your Callings

represented by Stars.


deiterLine App Initiative Check

Advance Your Callings

Your 'Hows' are your Initiatives, Ventures and Actions that advance you.


deiterLine App Clock icon

Stuff Mellows Here

Completed Callings and Initiatives

mellow in the Clock.


deiterLine App Broom icon

Clean Your Clock

Permanently delete with the Broom,

more progress.

The deiterLine


deiterLine Progress Ball icon

Track Your Progress Intuitively

better than perfection

Young Woman studying in Lausanne, Switzerland
Deam Coffee

Your value increases

with clarity of purpose.

deiterLine's value increases with use.

You're valuable, persuasive, organized and clear

on the path most true to you.

'Your Why' made-actionable keeps you going.

"I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23 and over $10,000,000 when I was 24 and over $100,000,000 when I was 25 and it wasn't that important because I never did it for the money." Steve Jobs


"If you are working on something exciting that you

really care about, you don't have to be pushed.

The vision pulls you." Steve Jobs

Lausanne, Switzerland
Succeed Tool
Young woman studying in Lausanne, Switzerland

Minimalism for the sake of focus

outperforms goals, to-doesdiscipline and toughness.

deiterLine Callings Generator

Many apps remind us what to do and when. They are helpful, but at times can actually contribute to losing your purpose. deiterLine reminds us of who we are and why, the best sustaining motivation for success. It comes from the same place that makes us breathe. Breathe & press on.

deiterLine App Notes

You're valuable, persuasive,

organized, clear…

Whenever, wherever, show it.

deiterLIne App Notes Example
deiterLine App Callings Generator

Polish your Callings and Initiatives. Free associate to your hearts content in Notes. Make a screen shot. Print it out. Have a meeting.


You'll aways have your agenda to share if you like. With screen mirroring, you can change your notes live, and scroll through your entire deiterLine.

Suc Valuabe
Calling Group
deiterLine Callings Group

Calling groups, your go-to screens


('Your Why')


(Advances 'Whys')

© deiterLine

deiterLine Encourages

1) Meaningful success, true to you
2) Non Market-World Innovation 
3) Innately Authentic Living
4) Literacy, Accuracy and Accountability
5) Exposing Coercion, Machination and Artifice
6) Fewer Authority Figures
7) Less Dependence on Heroes
8) Problem Prevention rather than solutions
9) Faster Innovation Diffusion
10) More, Varied Career Opportunities
11) Diverse Economies

12) A Healthier, Happier, More Peaceful World
13) Longevity

14) Less Suffering.

deiterLine ®


deiterLine logo

deiterLine does not collect data, sell data or advertising.

Casting a vote for you has been our Calling.

Succeed Super
Marionette Photographed in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cast off from the skeptics.

breathe & press on

Avanti Tutti

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