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DeiterLine's Frequently Asked Questions
What is deiterLine?deiterLine is focus and clarity of purpose for 2.5% of the world: innovators, visionaries and creatives. deiterLine is a unique, free platform to help you discover your unique Calling and make a deep connection to your Calling deiterLine is a transformational paradigm shift in thinking —from encumbering and obligating 'What and When,' to empowering and motivating 'Why and How.' Contrary to what we have been taught, sustained motivation to succeed does not come from discipline and toughness so much as from calm, powerful clarity about who we are, and who we were meant to be. Often when we we lack motivation, we simply lack clarity of purpose.
You mean I can only have one 'Why' or Calling?You can have many Callings, there will be one that rises to the top in time, as your central organizing idea emerges. The developer of deiterLine realized through the process, he was meant to spread good news. And that was after working on deiterLine for five years. Businesses, can have Product, Price, Place and Promotion Callings and subsequent Initiatives for example. You can have personal, family, aspirational, occupational Callings for example. deiterLine is a new way of thinking and your new tool of a life time. Your discovery will come from how ingeniously deiterLine is applied.
Isn't deiterLine just a list of tasks and goals?deiterLIne does not use tasks or goals. deiterLIne uses Callings and Initiatives. A Task: a piece of work to be done. Something hard or unpleasant has to be done. An implied obligation. A task ignores the possibility of other avenues to progress. An Initiative: The first of a series of actions, the start of something. Initiatives open doors to possibilities. Goals: An aim, or a desired result, usually bigger than short term objectives. Calling: A strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action, especially when accompanied by conviction, A sense that there is something you are, were meant to become unique to you.
Isn't deiterLine just a lot of fancy hype for not much on app delivery?Think of deiterLine as a Fender Stratocaster, or a Les Paul Gibson guitar. They are both just some wood, magnets, varnish, strings and nobs. You can barely hear them without an amplifier. When you engage them with purpose, clarity and imagination, you express yourself. Just like you and your unique deiterLine. Maybe think of deiterLine as a Leica camera. Light, small, minimalist and remarkable lenses. deiterLine is a polished lens to help you polish your thinking and vision. It is light and minimalist, with just enough controls, prompts and reminders to not interrupt you, but make sure your are focusing. When you practice with your deiterLine you will almost feel thoughts and ways forward naturally, like a polished musician, innovating true to herself.
Isn't deiterLine just another goal app, or a glorified note taking app?deiterLine is certainly helpful in moving toward goals, but the focus is on the 'Why' of a goal and the 'How'. Think process. People set all kinds of goals. The person who loves the process (training, discovery, embracing obstacles) true to them and their ethos advances. The process has meaning, and often the goal they achieve is greater than if they had just focused on a goal. So many goals are motivated by external stimuli feeling like encumbering obligations, perhaps why 80% of the people who make New Year's resolutions quit by the second week of February — the reason for the constant calls for change failing. As for a 'glorified' note taking app, deiterLine is simple, clean and collected. We know of one person who over time put book-content ideas in a Calling, along with other Callings. As ideas came up in the middle of the day, or the middle of the night, they entered their thoughts and ideas in the note sections of that calling. To the surprise of the subscriber, they had created a 195 page rough draft of their book. Yes, with the simple navigation, hierarchy of ideas, and focus, deiterLine could be considered a pretty glorified note taking system.
Can't I do everything deiterLine does in a journal, or with a daily planner?Up until now, that is probably what Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives used and then some. Sometimes we confuse activity with accomplishment. deiterLine helps us stay in accomplishment mode through focus. There certainly is room in the world for apples and oranges. To-do lists, calendars, project management tools and agendas, while essential, can actually distract us from our purpose. deiterLine focuses you. deiterLine reinvigorates within you the courage of your convictions. Journaling is a great practice. Apple has a Journaling app that is excellent for free association, and reflection on 'What' and 'When'. deiterLine's focus on 'Why' and 'How' is excellent for moving forward. deiterLine can actually be a partner in the economics of effort and the allocation of time and resources. deiterLine can encourage you throughout the days of endless "C" and "D" demands.
Why does deiterLine exist?deiterLine exists because the world needs who you were meant to be. deiterLine exists because 84% of the world resists Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives, the 2.5% of the world. Resists to the point, of as Mark Twain says, "Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered — either by themselves or by others." First deiterLine exists to get you to think differently, then cast off from the skeptics. The list of outcomes deiterLine encourages is on the website a number of times. deiterLine® supports…Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives to succeed in a world of 84% resistance to them, their new ideas, new thinking and new ways of doing things. deiterLine® helps you not quit on yourself... with calm, powerful clarity of purpose uniquely structured within each subscriber's personal ​deiterLine app. deiterLine® is a game changer…in a 'What and When' rinse and repeat world, the 'Why and How' of ​deiterLine helps you complete and succeed.
How do I know if I am using deiterLine correctly?Progress and sustained motivation is better than perfection. Your deiterLine experience is unique to you. deiterLine's major premise is that you are perfect as you are. deiterLine is not an app to change you. deiterLine subscribes to the words of Carl Jung. "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Your Callings are your Callings and your Initiatives are your Initiatives, the journey that is unique to you. Some caveates: deiterLine is not a to-do list app. There may be a tendency for people to make it so. deiterLine is not a "should" app. Meaning you should do this or do that. deiterLine is not a "Goal Setting" app. While you will set Initiatives ( actions and ventures ) they eminate from your 'Why' which comes from within you. Purpose will get you out of bed. deiterLine is Calm, Powerful Clarity — the best motivation.
What is the Diffusion of Innovation?For the purposes of deiterLine, The Diffusion of Innovation, developed by Everett M. Rogers, is a bell curve depicting the drivers and resistors of social change ( innovation diffusion ). You can learn more about the Diffusion of Innovation by reading the works of Everett M. Rogers' fifth edition of the Diffusion of Innovation.
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What is your 'Why'?Your 'Why' is your purpose, your single organizing idea. While we say single, you can have many 'Whys': Occupational or Aspirational. There is help on the Help with your 'Why' page of the deiterLine website.
How do you find your 'Why'?There is help for you on the Help with your 'Why' page of the deiterLine website. In much of our site we say "…help you articulate your why." The reason for that is deep, down inside you know what motivates you and how you can be useful with your unique talents and abilities. It is difficult because the world we are brought into is not always encouraging us to be ourselves. The first couple of years of our lives we are encouraged to walk and talk. After that, we are often pressured to sit still and be quiet. deiterLine is not here to fix you. You are innately perfect. Finding your why is not a quest for what you will do when you grow up, but the acceptance of the essence and ethos of who you always were. The things that excite you are not random. They are connected with your purpose. Follow the things that excite you. However, asking yourself what problems of the world you would like to solve and prevent is certainly a fine place to start. Here are some thoughts from Friedrich Nietzsche: "In such a highly developed humanity as the present one each man by nature has access to many talents. Everyone possesses inborn talent, but few possess the degree of …acquired toughness, endurance and energy to actually become a talent, that is to say, to become what they are." deiterLine promotes a different take on toughness and endurance with our 'Why' and 'How' thinking. Is it possible deiterLine has one-upped Friedrich Nietzsche? If so, he would probably be pleased to find kindred spirits. deiterLine exists, to help you become who you already are. The world needs who you were meant to be.
How do you state your 'Why'?One suggestion is to us the To + So = your 'Why' equation. To:is your positive contribution and So:is your possitive impact on others. Example: Calling : Creative Director — Why: To inform and entertain so we may live in a more enlightened, artful world... Calling: Kindergarten Teacher — Why: To instill a love of reading at an early age so there are more life-time learners... There is help on the Help with your 'Why' page of the deiterLine website.
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Who will benefit from deiterLine's use?deiterLine benefits anyone who wants to make a difference, think, innovate and be themselves. deiterLine was originally developed for innovators, visionaries and creatives to help them not quit in the face of almost overwhelming resistance in the world to new thinking. deiterLine can help those who do not know their purpose in life, feel lost. deiterLine can be of benefit to those who seem to know their why, appear to be successful to others, yet have a difficult time staying focused in the "what and when" world where change rarely changes and solutions rarely solve. deiterLine's system of "why and How' can help them stay focused on first principles and stay on point. deiterLine can be helpful to those who are older and facing retirement. Often looked forward to, retirement is not always rewarding. deiterLine can help as mentioned in the book Why Smart People Hurt with their remaining personality in life. So they do not leave this world with their song still in them. Purpose seems to be of benefit to longevity with a reason to live. deiterLine can be of benefit to those who have a following, leaders and influencers. deiterLine is good news for so many in the world, and those who have a following can benefit by spreading deiterLine's way of thinking for a lifetime. Think of the possibilities: Faster solutions creation, faster innovation diffusion, more varied career opportunities, more diverse economies and a healthier, happier, more peaceful world.
If I know my 'Why' do I still need the deiterLine App?Even when people have their 'Why', there needs to be a way to make your 'Why' actionable. Then, there is the concept of the 24 hour reprieve. Everyday we have to sleep. We have to exercise. We have to eat. We benefit from having our Callings and Initiatives to look at and polish each day. Throughout the day we are constantly bombarded by the "noise" of doubt and negativity that can throw us into the chaos we can become. We lose clarity, and thus motivation. Having your 'Why', your Callings in the palm of your hand with the essential Initiatives to advance your Callings mitigates the chaos we can become and we find ourselves back at calm, powerful clarity. deiterLine can be very calming when we find ourselves suddenly awake at 3:00 in the morning. There is another benefit. By people seeing you and your progress, you become an example of overcoming resistance to innovation, vision and creativity. breathe & press on.
What are the benefits of using the deiterLine App?The main benefit is the sustained motivation of clarity and focus in a resistant world . Others might include: empowerment, calm, powerful self knowledge, confidence in knowing you are on your journey, the path most true to you. You are able to rest, without quitting. You can breathe and press on. As deiterLine was tested we heard people call it their North Star. Some appreciate the clean design, and quiet place that adds to their day. Perhaps the biggest benefit is having the support to breathe & press on to success.
I use pen and paper to graphically note my goals. Why do I need deiterLine?Having a clear, strong why is the foundation of motivation. Having your 'Why' increases the probability that you will not quit no matter how they are noted. deiterLine wants you to succeed. deiterLine allows, actually implements the rapid polish of your Callings ('Why's) and Innovations ('Hows). Many find it actually therapeutic.
What will deiterLine help me accomplish.With anything, deiterLine will only work if you work it. If deiterLine only accomplishes reinforcing in yourself that you matter, your dreams matter and your aspirations matter you have succeded, grown, become stronger and are ready to cast off from the skeptics. In many ways the focus from deiterLIne can actually give time back to you, time lost in chaos. deiterLine — Calm, powerful clarity.
How much does deiterLine cost?The deiterLine app is a monthly subscription of $9.99/Mo, with a free seven day introductory trial trial.
Why isn't it free?deiterLine is not for everyone. That is why you have a seven day free trial. To make the best of your trial, spend a few days, even weeks going over the deiterLine website. Understand the unique difference deiterLIne is advancing, compared to what the rest of the world is telling you. We are not saying it alone. There are great book suggestions for you by wise people who are talking about the same thing in different ways. deiterLine does not sell your data. deiterLine does not sell advertising to you. Your data is safe and secure on the cloud and is constantly updating as you add content. deiterLine expands with you. deiterLine costs about the same as a few cups of coffee a month. deiterLine can actually help you create time through the quality of calm and focus, a super power — priceless. deiterLine increases in value to you the more you use deiterLine. deiterLine grows and expands with you, as your data accumulation increases. deiterLine is not a fixed set of call and responses.
Will we be charged for upgrades?Charging for upgrades is not our intent. deiterLine is not just an App. deiterLine is also a movement to advance innovation, and civilization. We want you to succeed and take the world with you. As deiterLine gains in use, it is our hope there will be less resistance to ideas and discoveries to advance a more healthy, happy and sustainable world.
After I create my account, how do I quit or delete it?"Your account is essentially with the Apple App Store. You cancel if you want like any service you order from the Apple App Store.
Will deiterLine use my email to send spam to me?The subscription base model relieves all of us from having to sell and be sold.
Why is deiterLine only for IOS and not Android?A very difficult decision we had to make. While both platforms are secure, we had to make a value judgement on which platform might be the most private for you. This decision may change in time as more is revealed. We are cautious and serious with your data.
What version of iOS is required to install and run deiterLine?Version of iOS required to install and run dL: iOS 10.0.1 Version of iPad required to run dL: iPad 7 or newer Version of iPhone required to run dL: iPhone 6 or newer
What iteration of iPhone and iPad is required to instal and run deiterLIne?Version of iOS required to install and run dL: iOS 10.0.1 Version of iPad required to run dL: iPad 7 or newer Version of iPhone required to run dL: iPhone 6 or newer
How do I log out?On each screen you will see three short lines in the upper right corner ( a Hamburger ). TAP that HAMBURGER and the Help Screen will open. Towards the bottom (scroll if necessary ) of the Help Screen you will see the prompt, Log Out. TAP LOG OUT and that is it.
Help Menu?You find the Help Menu by TAPPING the three little lines in the upper right corner of the screen you happen to be on. The help menu gets you to Video Tutorias, and other Help. It also gets you inside to the deiterLine website, where you found the link to this FAQ page. TAPPING the < back icon gets you out of the deiterLine website.
How do I save an entry?Saving Occurs automatically when you Close a Screen by Tapping X, returning to a previous ( < ) screen saves your work. Changing your list Hierarchy and closing a screen will automatically save. You'll get prompts to tell you that your changes have been updated. deiterLine is very minimalist. We have tried to remove graphics and buttons wherever possible.
What are Callings?'Why' or 'Whys' are Callings, represented by stars. You will follow your stars. You can have Callings that are aspirational or occupational. There is more info in the tutorials.
What is a Callings Group?Callings Groups are your go-to screens. Callings Groups consist of one Calling and any number of supportive Initiatives. You will be so collected. There is more info in the tutorials.
How do I enter my first Calling?Open the Callings Index ( Star Icon ) from the Jump Screen. Follow the instructions for your first Calling. There is more info in the tutorials.
If I already have a Calling, how can I make more?"Once you have your first Calling, you can make more Callings by SWIPING any CALLING to the RIGHT and TAP the STAR. A new Generator will open. Make your entries. Close out by TAPPING the < back button and you will find your new Calling at the top of your Callings Index list. Creating new Initiatives is done the same way. You can see more in the Tutorials.
What is the point of Callings Groups?You will have your Calling ( 'Why') and your Calling's supportive Initiatives all in one glance. You can edit, adjust hierarcy and adjust you progress all in one place.
How do I make a Callings Group?When you open an Initiative in the Intiatives Generator ( TAP the Intiatives Title ) you will see a STAR at the bottom of your screen above the NOTES PENCIL. TAP the STAR and the Callings Selector will open. Roll the selector until the Calling you want to join becomes prominent, then TAP, DONE. Hit the < back key and when you next see your Calling, it will have a √ next to it to indicating it is now a Callings Group. When you TAP on the Callings Title, it will open as a Calings Group.
Can I adjust the hierarchy of my Intiatives, Calings and Calling Groups?"To the right of any listing are three little lines ( HAMBURGER ) PRESS on any given HAMBURGER and slide it either up or down to your liking. The system intentionally goes slowly, to help you slow down and think.
What is the Pencil Icon?The Pencil opens the Notes Tablet. You will find the Pencil Icon at the bottom of every Callings and Initiatives Generator, (where you edit). The Pencil, when TAPPED opens the NOTES tablet, where you can enter any details you like. TAP the X to close and Save your Notes.
What are Initiatives?Initiatives (represented by Checks) make your 'Why' actionable. They are the ventures and actions that advance your Calling or Callings. Your Initiatives will have a 'Why' and Action and the deiterLine ( |||||| ) to measure your progress, (better than perfection) and a Notes( Pencil ) section for more detail. There is more info in the tutorials.
How do I enter my first Initiative?Open the Initiatives Index ( Check Icon ) and follow the instructions there. There is more info in the tutorials.
Can Initiatives be independent of Callings?Yes. You can have any number of Initiatives in the Initiatives Index. You can even leave Initiatives to mellow in the Clock to live for another day.
Can I adjust the hierarchy of my Intiatives, Calings and Calling Groups?"To the right of any listing there is the three little lines ( a HAMBURGER ) PRESS on any given HAMBURGER and slide it either up or down to your liking. The system intentionally goes slowly, to help you slow down and think.
What is the Pencil icon?You will find the Pencil Icon at the bottom of every Callings and Initiatives Generator, ( where you edit ). The Pencil, when TAPPED opens the NOTES tablet, where you can enter any details you like. Close and Save by TAPPING the X to close out the Notes.
What is the Ball and those |||| marks for?That is the deiterLine for marking your progress. You can slide the BALL anywhere on the ||| deiterline that intuitively seems appropriate for you to mark your progress.
Can I remove an Initiative from a Callings Group, or the Clock"To send an Initiative back to the Initiatives Index, thus removing it from a Callings Group or from the Clock: 1. From a Callings Group — SLIDE the Initiative to the left to reveal the CLOCK Icon. Tap the Icon. The Initiative will go to the CLOCK. From the CLOCK, SLIDE the Initiative to the right to reveal the CHECK Icon. TAP the check and the Initiative will reappear in the Initiatives Index. 2. From the CLOCK — SLIDE the Initiative to the right to reveal the CHECK Icon. TAP the Check and the Initiative will reappear in the Initiatives Index.
How do I delete Callings and Intiatives?Slide (SWIPE) the Calling or Initiative to the left and the Clock Icon will be revealed. TAP the Clock Icon and the Intiative or Calling will go to the Clock to Mellow. ( We say Mellow because you may want to retrieve it again. ) Callings will be in a rectangle and Intiative will have their deiterline ( |||| ) and progress ball. To permanently delete:TAP a selection and then TAP the BROOM. You will be asked if you want to cancel or delete. Make a choice. If you choose delete, the seletion will dissolve away forever.
Where is deiterLine headquartered?deiterLine is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There is a saying, "Grow where you are planted." Louisiana, while a uniquely intriguing place, unfortunately rates consistently at the bottom of all the "good" lists and the top of all the "bad" lists. Louisiana has been our laboratory to study resistance first hand and the Wilderness, Village, Early Majority, Late Majority and Laggard paradigms. deiterLine's developer/originator is a transplant from San Francisco, California who grew up in the Mission San Jose district of Fremont, CA. deiterLine has consulted with people from Asia, the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, New York, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and France.
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