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Compass and Mark Twan Quote

"The two most important days of your life
are the day you are born and the day you find out why".
Mark Twain

Why on why page
Focus Why Page


Become reacquainted

with yourself.

 The things that interest you are not simply random.​

Scroll this page for books and links to help you focus.








Your Calling

comes from deep within you.



"Your vision will become clear
only when you look into your own
heart. Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung
"In essence, in going through this process you
are discovering yourself, what makes you
different, what predates the opinions of others.
You are reacquainting yourself with your natural
likes and dislikes. Later in life we often lose
contact with our own preferences for things,
deeply in-fluenced by what others are doing
and by the culture.
You are subtracting such external influences.
The deeper you make this connection to your 
calling, the more you will be able to resist the
bad ideas of others."
pg. 380, The Laws of Human Nature
by Robert Greene


What is the important thing in life to you? Where do

you feel like you are helping peopleWhat do you not

get bored with? What problems of the world would

you like to prevent?

What are you curious about?


"I am smart, imaginative and hard working.

Those ​things are not necessarily prioritized in

Pop Culture." 

Taylor Swift


"Sometimes you have to play a long time to be

able to play like yourself."

Miles Davis




Bad Ideas
Later in life
Why examples why page
The things that interest you
 are not random.

They are connected with your 'Calling'.

Your 'Calling' is not just a dream, or your

dream job. It's your ethos, who you

are. What are you curious about? 

What problems of the world would you

like to prevent? Bring out your genius.


​"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; 
Genius hits a target no one else can see."
Arthur Schopenhauer
"It never was about figuring out what you wanted
to be when you grew up. It was always about
embracing and making the best of who you
already were." 
Leonard Joseph, developer of deiterLine
Others speak of their 
self discovery.
( These quotes are not endorsements of deiterLine. )
"Think about what you're passionate about. I
did not learn something early enough: if I could
go back, I'd tell the younger me that there's a
big difference between loving to work and
loving the work." 
Tim Cook, Apple CEO
"My wish is that this will provide a positive
message to the young girls who would like to
follow the path of science, and show them that
some in science can also have an impact through
the research that they are performing."
Emanuelle Marie Charpentier, Nobel Winner 2020
"I remember, that moment was when I knew
this is my calling."
"Dr. Betty Ferrell, author of 11 books including 
the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing
​"I remember all the stages in my career where I
almost didn't have enough confidence to try for
something, almost didn't have the guts to follow
something I was excited about doing, because
I didn't know anyone else who'd done it, or other
people made me question it."
Amal Clooney

deiterLine can be aspirational and occupational, individualized or organizational.

deiterLine Acorn Image

Start with this simple 'Why' example. 
To + So = Why

To, your unique contribution to the world.
So, your positive impact on the world.

To create a love of reading at an early age.
 So there are no struggling readers in the later years.

Kindergarten Teacher

To inform, empower and entertain.
So we may live in a more artful and enlightened world.

Creative Director


deiterLine Callings Generator Creative Director
deiterLine Callings Genertor kindergarten teacher

Innovators, Visionaries
and Creatives share
their insights.


"In the end, what we want is to fuse the curiosity and excitement we had
toward the world as children, when almost everything seemed enchanting,
with our adult intelligence."
Robert Greene, The Laws Of Human Nature
Why Page Books

Independent Book Stores Near You

Robert Greene

Robert Greene's book Mastery

Your Calling, Life's Task
possess a kind of inner force that seeks to guide you toward your Life's Task ."

Why Smart People Hurt Eric Maisel

Book, Why Smart People Hurt, by Eric Maisel

Meaningful Life
tremendous step forward for those
who do civilization's
good work.

The Watchman's
Rebecca D. Costa

The Watchman's Rattle, by Rebecca D. Costa

Whys of Civilizations 

rigidity inhibits, creativity, productivity and growth.

The Obstacle Is
The Way
Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle Is The Way, by Ryan Holliday

Steady Your Nerves
The timeless art of turning trials into triumph — Think differently.

Etiquette For Dummies Sue Fox

Etiquette For Dummies, by Sue Fox

Have No Fear
A little bit of 
etiquette helps along the way.

Links to why

Links to help you
with Your 'Why'.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

by Saul McLeod

Do You Know 'Your Why'? 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose. by Margie Warrell

Why Discovering Your ‘Why’ is The No. 1 Business Move. 

by Renee Warren

'Why' Statement Is The Key To

Staying Motivated and Focused. 

by Nancy Ruffin

 Myers & Briggs Foundation

The theory of psychological types by C. G. Jung made understandable and useful in people's lives.


Who you are, what you do and what

difference you make.

More on Maslow,

A Five Level Pyramid

by Neel Burton M.D.

There Is A Sense Of Purpose Instilled In Everyone. 

by Janine de Nysschen

What Is Your 'Why'? How I Learned My Purpose. by

Jason Burnham

…the world needs who you were made to be.

breathe & press on




Think. Innovate. Be yourself. Succeed.

DEITERLINE LLC © 2019 - 2025

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