Create what you wish existed.
Your North Star Is Focus.
You're not alone, foolish or weird.
​"I remember all the stages in my career where
I almost didn't have enough confidence to try
for something, almost didn't have the guts to
follow something I was excited about doing,
because I didn't know anyone else who'd done
it, or other people made me question it."
Amal Clooney
"If you are working on something
exciting that you really care about, you don't
have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."​​​
Steve Jobs
Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives share their insights.
Be sure to scroll to their great books.
"It never was about figuring out what you
wanted to be when you grew up. It was
always about embracing and making the
best of who you already were."
Leonard Joseph, Developer of deiterLine®
Diffussion of Innovations
No opinion Blames Others Longs For Past
Resistance and Chaos
'What and When'
'Why and How'
But Something Happens
We are born innovators, visionaries, and creators
with powerful intellectual curiosity. But, we are guided
away from our interests, talents and gifts to become
the 'what' of who’s getting hired and 'when,' ( hire-education ). The result of this wasted, exploited, potential
is the unnecessary cycle of human suffering.​
At a time perhaps like no other,
people around the world are considering their purpose in life, their 'Why' — their Calling.
Data and the "Big Quit" tells us people hate
their jobs — the meaninglessness of it all.
Microsoft research found 41% of the global workforce plan to leave their jobs. College students often feel lost at graduation. 'What
and When' thinking leaves leaders stagnating in
the old, along with the rest of us.
From a posting on
The Daily Dot 6/22/22
"I don't know if you guys are on LinkedIn, but
the amount of people with more degrees and
years of experience than me who are being
laid off by the thousands is so disheartening.
I don't feel hopeful at all about starting to job hunt
and start a career in anything because these
people have a 10-year jump on me and here they
are, entering a recession, getting laid off and
I'm here just fully unemployed. It's bad out there."
Rahel, 17, Cologne,
for DW by Peter Hille
"I want a secure future where I can study
and work without existential fears. I'm afraid
I'll have to work in a job that doesn't make me happy."
We live in a world that
fawningly invests in innovation and creativity
without investing in the disruptive potential
and promise of visionary beings. Imagine the
people in therapy, wondering what is wrong with
them, when in fact they may have yet to actually
meet their true selves.
Why Smart People Hurt,
by Eric Maisel, explores these impediments.
…society and the world disparages smartness.
…doing work day after day and year after year
that fails to make use of your brain power.
…living in a society and a world that does more
than disparage smartness, that actually silences
smart people ( because the power and privilege
of leaders is undercut by smart people like you
pointing out fraud, illogic, and injustice ).
Instead of medicating our children…
​…why aren't we teaching this?
Discover your Calling. Develop your Calling.
For a life well lived, use your Calling for a better
you and a better world.
​Why are we medicating and stigmatizing our
young? Instead of asking our children what they
want to be when they grow up, ( or funneling
them into market-world options )ask them what
world problems they would want to prevent
when they grow up.
Ask them 'Why' these problems exist. Ask them
'How' these problems persist. Ask them 'How' these problems are perpetuated. They grow to think, ​
innovate and be themselves.
What if education actually helped students
identify their unique interests and talents
and nurtured those talents over the years?
In times of change the learned deal with a world
that no longer exists. We live in a world that grades students on how well they learn the answers
we give them. Perhaps we should grade students
on the questions they ask. It's time for students
to grade the curriculum.
"Children are the living message we send to a
time we will not see."
John F. Kennedy
​"Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness;
but direct them to it by what amuses their minds,
so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each."
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."
"I can prove at any time that my education tried to
make another person out of me than the one I became."
Franz Kafka.
Let's build the new with
'Why and How' thinking.
(The foundation of deiterLIne)
'Why and How' succeeds.
​"Intellectuals ( 'What and When' ) solve problems.
Geniuses ( 'Why and How' ) prevent them."
Albert Einstein
"There comes a time where we need to stop
just pulling people out of the river. We need to
go upstream and find out why they're falling in."
Desmond Tutu
​"Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
Genius hits a target no one else can see."
Arthur Schopenhauer
​Nearly everyday of our lives we hear, "What
are you going to do and when?" And yet, very
little, if anything, changes. Change has almost
come to mean four quarters for a dollar, prolonging stagnation and little advancement for civilization.
​​Let's cease pestering this 'What and When' world
to change. Let's simply build the new with 'Why
and How', your new ideas and ways of doing things.
​'What and When' reacts to symptoms and
confuses activity with accomplishment.
​'Why and How' thinking replaces discipline and toughness.
'Why and How' focusses on first principles,
completes and succeeds. 'Why and How' is the foundation of deiterLine.
​"The defining challenge of our time is to create solid
and sustained economic growth that continues to
meaningfully improve people's lives."
Dambisa Moyo, Edge of Chaos
"Our economy rewards trivia and ephemera
over originality and long-term impact."
Michael Bhaskar, Human Frontiers The Future of Big Ideas in an
Age of Small Thinking.
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,
not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
Dan Millman — Way of the Peaceful Warrior
"We cannot solve our problems with the same
thinking we used when we created them. The
world as we have created it is a process of
our thinking. It cannot be changed without
changing our thinking."
Albert Einstein
About the Quality of Less Suffering
deterLine is unique just like you. deterLine
takes a position that you are just perfect.
Like so many of us,
you are perhaps just experiencing the symptoms
of 'Formed Personality' as coined by Eric Maisel
in his book, Why Smart People Hurt — limits freedom
and increases defensiveness.
Carl Jung talks about unhappiness even among
those of us who seemingly have it all.
"I have frequently seen people become neurotic
when they content themselves with inadequate
or wrong answers to the questions of life. They
seek position, marriage, reputation, outward
success of money, and remain unhappy… even
when they have attained what they were seeking.
Such people are usually confined within too narrow
a spiritual horizon. Their life has not sufficient content, sufficient meaning. If they are enabled
to develop into more spacious personalities, the neurosis generally disappears."
Breathe & Press On
The Empowerment of Calm,
powerful clarity of purpose
An essential deiterLine benefit turns out to be
the calm people experience from polishing their
Callings within deiterLine's elegant interface.
In any moment of doubt, or discouragement,
even at 3:00 in the morning, you can check
your deiterLine. Calm, of clarity and purpose,
turns out to be your superpower.
With your clarity and sense of purpose, you
inspire yourself and others throughout the day.​
Before you download, make the most of
your seven day free trial.
Invest some time, even a few weeks, with this website.
Study the Tutorials, FAQs and books. Think about
some possible Callings, true to you: occupational
and aspirational. You'll be off to a good start.
deiterLine is not for everyone.
deiterLine is a paradigm shift in thinking, from
'What and When' to 'Why and How.' deiterLine
is first-principle focused, and designed within a
minimalist interface to evolve with you.
Your DNA has never existed before.
The world needs who you were meant to be.
​Available on the App Store.
deiterLine Encourages
​1) Your success, meaningful and true to you
2) Non Market-World Innovation
3) Innately Authentic Living
4) Literacy, Accuracy and Accountability
5) Exposing Coercion, Machination and Artifice
6) Fewer Authority Figures
7) Less Dependence on Heroes
8) Problem Prevention rather than Solutions
9) Faster Innovation Diffusion
10) More, Varied Career Opportunities
11) Diverse Economies
12) A Healthier, Happier, More Peaceful World
13) Longevity
14) Less Suffering.
deiterLine ®
Innovators, Visionaries and Creatives share
their insights in a resistant world.
Independent Book Stores Near You
The Laws of Human Nature
Robert Greene
Chapter 13 Is …
An instruction list for you and your purpose. Remarkably insightful.
Steal Like An Artist
Austin Kleon
About being Creative
An inspiring guide to creativity in the digital age. Discover, then build.
There Is Nothing Here For You Fiona Hill
Finding Opportunity
A personal story that reveals how we can return hope to forgotten places.
Damn Good Advice George Lois
Creative Process
Lois encourages us to discover and use our creative potential — a life changer.
Design For A Better World Don Norman
Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered
The world is a mess, waiting for you.
Peter H. Diamandis &
Steven Kotler
A Tale of Good News …
About taking things and flipping them around. Thought provokers for you and your purpose.
Edge of Chaos
Dambisa Moyo
Economic Growth
How to fix it. deiterLine-esque in its 'Why and How'. Create what you wish existed.
The Eye Test
Chris Jones
Seeing For Yourself
Those who stand out in a wide range of fields insist on the Eye Test. Apply your genius.
Winners Take All
Anand Giridharadas
The Elite Charade of Changing The World.
Ways that reward the status quo, waiting for your disruption.
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Yuval Noah Harari
In A World Of Noisy Uncertainty,
waiting for what is meaningful to you is
time well spent,
"For a few more years or decades, we still have
a choice. If we make the effort, we can still investigate who we really are. But if we want
to make use of this opportunity, we had better
do it now."
Yuval Noah Harrarri
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
breathe & press on
is transformational, purposeful and actionable.
Never quit on yourself, your dreams, or your aspirations — the path most true to you. Succeed
with your single organizing idea, 'Your Why'
and 'Your Why' made actionable.
is the creation and exclusive property
of Leonard Joseph
DEITERLINE LLC © 2019 - 2024 deiterLine®
Music and Cartoons Licensed
Quotations do not imply endorsement or affiliation.